尽管亚洲几个市场推出了刺激出生人数的举措, 预计未来几年出生率下降的趋势将继续下去. Consequently, children are today increasingly being ‘spoiled’ by parents, grandparents, and others.

从2015年到2019年,童装的销量每年都在增长, 在全国范围内达到45元人民币,香港、台湾, 日本, 新加坡, 以及2019年的韩国. 预计未来几年销售额将继续增长, 在2020年因COVID-19大流行而出现小幅下滑之后. A similar trend can also be seen in the traditional toys and game segment* where total sales reached BUSD 19.2020年达到4个,每年增长2个.从17美元降至5%.2 in 2015.


  • 儿童的可持续性和安全性.
  • 重点设计.
  • 教育儿童产品,促进学习和发展.
  • 通过实体店进行在线扩张仍然很重要.

父母不仅在每个孩子身上花更多的钱, 但他们也更关心他们购买的产品的类型和质量.

Many consumers are willing to pay a premium for good quality products and for safe brands for their children, 通常不像为自己买东西那样对价格敏感. 可持续服装, which use organic fabrics and materials appropriate for the sensitive skin of small children have therefore become increasingly high in demand in recent years.

由于这些对质量和安全的更高要求, the ingredients used in children’s products have become an important factor for parents when making purchasing decisions. 安全证书是近年来越来越重要的另一个因素. 例如, parents in 韩国 are increasingly looking beyond CE-certificates for other certificates that highlight a product’s 可持续性 and/or safety.

在香港, the baby and child-specific product segment is projected a six per cent annual growth between 2020 and 2025. 消费者对外国品牌有强烈的偏好, as they are perceived to be of particularly high quality and come with higher safety standards. A similar trend can be observed in the 台湾ese market where the premium baby and children products market is expected to grow from 30 per cent in 2020 to 35 per cent in 2025. The average spending on baby and child products in general is predicted to continue to rise in 台湾 by two per cent due to a wealthier population.


孩子们的衣服通常色彩鲜艳,很有趣. 但在一些市场, there has been a shift towards more toned-down colours and an increased focus on design in clothes for children.

近年来, the concept of “adultation” or “mini-me” has become increasingly popular among younger parents in 中国。 and 新加坡. 这意味着父母希望为孩子模仿自己的风格, 创造自己的小版本,经常在社交媒体上分享. Many foreign and domestic brands have already adapted to this trend and embraced the concept - from fast fashion to luxury brands.


学校的名额竞争非常激烈, 并且通常从小就有一个首选的学校计划, many parents are looking to give their children a boost in education through extracurricular activities or games. 因此,教育科技行业在多个市场都出现了繁荣. 然而,在一些市场,该行业的进步被打断了. 为了说明, in 2021 中国。 banned after-school tutoring for school curriculum subjects during weekends and holidays to reduce the pressure on children.

先不说教育和教育科技, toys and games that provide creative and/or educational benefits have become increasingly popular to boost the development of children. Growing expectations on the added value of toys and games can be seen on parents’ purchasing habits in 香港, 新加坡, 和日本.


在为儿童购物时,在线渠道变得越来越重要, both for purchases and information gathering – a trend that  was further strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic.

也就是说,不应该忘记传统的线下渠道. While e-commerce is becoming a more prominent procurement channel for the retail sector across the 日本ese, 韩国, 中国人。, 新加坡, 亚洲的香港和台湾市场, 传统的零售商店仍然是重要的采购渠道.

In 2020, more than 60 per cent of sales from traditional toys and games came through offline channels; especially geographically smaller markets, such as 新加坡 and 香港 saw a large share of traditional toys and games sold offline in 2019 (92 and 83 per cent, 分别).


  • 在新加坡, the biggest physical retail channels are Fairprice and Dairy Farm where a lot of child and family-oriented products can be found. 在童装方面,Le Petit Society是一个受欢迎的目的地.
  • 在台湾,在崇光百货可以找到大量的儿童产品.
  • 在韩国,新世界是最大的儿童服装和配饰零售商.

随着亚太地区市场人口结构的变化, 随着出生率的下降和每个家庭孩子的减少, 消费者行为正在改变. Parents today show an increasing interest in the design and material choices (sustainable and organic) when purchasing children’s clothes and educational toys and games.

This should offer plenty of opportunities for Swedish consumer brands targeting children and families, especially those utilising the Swedish image – which in APAC markets is often associated with for example nature, 清洁空气, 有机和可持续的生产.

成功进入市场, PG电子官方免费下载公司需要确定最适合其产品的市场, 了解最新的发展和趋势, 并分析如何最好地驾驭不同的现有渠道.

Please contact one of Business PG电子官方免费下载’s offices to start a dialogue about the markets and how we can assist your company in a potential expansion in the region.

琳达布拉德利,香港 & 亚洲.



