PG电子官方免费下载与英国有着长期的贸易关系. 在英格兰, 苏格兰, 威尔士, 和北爱尔兰, 大约1,500家PG电子官方免费下载和与PG电子官方免费下载有关的公司在这里设立了办事处, 还有更多的企业从PG电子官方免费下载向英国出口产品.

There is no doubt that the global Covid-19 crisis has major effects on the world economy, PG电子官方免费下载与英国的贸易也不例外. The destabilizing economic effect of Russia’s aggression in 乌克兰 also has a global reach. Furthermore, the longer-term effects of Brexit are increasingly apparent.

然而, a key finding of the 2022 Business Climate Survey is that the UK remains a very important market for Swedish companies and that the trust in economic recovery is high among respondents.

与2021年类似, 整个2022年, PG电子官方免费下载受访者对英国商业环境的看法非常积极, 超过61%的公司将其评为“好”或“非常好”. PG电子官方免费下载作为一个国家在英国有着稳固的品牌声誉. 73 per cent of respondents estimate that the “Swedish brand” positively contributes to their business in the UK, 在这一份额中, 令人印象深刻的是,56%的人认为它贡献巨大.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


The Business Climate Survey is a tool developed to map the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business in the UK. This report presents the conclusions drawn from the survey and an analysis based on the current business situation, 经济前景, as well as other market aspects believed to be relevant for companies operating or planning to establish themselves in the UK.

今年的调查共有287家公司的代表参与. The answers were collected during March and April 2022, with 41 respondents providing answers.

最后, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the participating companies and respondents which have contributed to this report.